An Idea of Said Nursi's Islamic Educational Reform in the Risale-I Nur
This study aims to answer and analyze the reform of Said Nursi's Islamic educational thought. Curriculum reform, methods and ideal educational goals shape morals and increase spirituality and knowledge. This research was conducted using an educational philosophy approach with the library method. As for the analysis, the researcher used the content analysis method. The data consists of primary and secondary data. Primary sources provide data directly from the first sources in Nursi's works. Secondary sources use the Al-Qur'an, hadith, books, journals, and articles. Data analysis identifies similarities, differences, or patterns from the data obtained. The findings of this study are that Nursi's educational reform model regarding curriculum is an integrated curriculum, namely the madrasah curriculum, mekteb, and tekke curriculum. By practising Faith-Science, debriefing, and comparison, a person will obtain quality knowledge and be pious morally and spiritually. Education aims to produce intellectual intellectuals. Based on the three findings above, it can be concluded that Said Nursi has brought renewal, as in Risale-l-Nur, from the conservative typology of Islamic educational thought that was developing at that time to the rational-religious typology of spiritual education oriented towards spiritual, moral and intellectual development of students, in an integrated manner.
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