The Effect of Learning Environment and Family Harmony on the Practice of Pancasila Values

  • Sukarman Sukarman Universitas Terbuka Makassar, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the influence of the learning environment and family harmony on practising Pancasila values at UPT SPF Inpres Bangkala II Manggala Makassar. This research was conducted using quantitative methods. The research population consisted of all 75 students. The sampling used in this study was a purposive sample. A sample of 70 students. Data collection techniques in this study using the questionnaire method. The questionnaire method was used to collect data regarding the learning environment, family harmony, and the practice of Pancasila values. Data analysis technique using multiple linear regression. The results of his research are that the learning environment has a positive and significant effect on the practice of Pancasila values at UPT SPF Inpres Bangkala II Manggala Makassar. Thus, the higher the learning environment, the higher the course of Pancasila values. The analysis results regarding the learning environment and harmony in the family with the practice of Pancasila values are significant to implement so that reasonable goals can be realized for the next generation of the nation and this country, having a harmonious family and instilling Pancasila values can undoubtedly improve the character that we are very proud of.



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How to Cite
SUKARMAN, Sukarman. The Effect of Learning Environment and Family Harmony on the Practice of Pancasila Values. Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 42-51, jan. 2023. ISSN 2599-3046. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 jan. 2025. doi: