Collaborative-Participatory Model in Education Policy during a Pandemic: Building Collaboration to Bridge the Gap
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted various aspects of life. Economy and education are the two sectors of life most affected. This article aims to analyze education policy in Indonesia in facing the global pandemic. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. Data was obtained through public policy documentation techniques in the education sector. The data obtained was then analyzed using the public policy theory content analysis method. Analysis of this study found that in the education policy formulation stage, the government, through the Ministry of Education (Kemendikbud), collaborated with various parties (multi-stakeholders) to guarantee the community's fundamental rights to access education. However, it was found that the policies that had been realized still needed to be revised in society. Thus, many people still do not have the right to a good education. For example, regarding quota distribution policies, areas with minimal signal, the ability to operate media, and other digital infrastructure. Realizing this, Indonesia's education policy in the education sector during the pandemic used a collaborative-participatory model. The Ministry of Education collaborates with other ministries or agencies to ensure that education implementation regulations are implemented in the public domain evenly and fairly.
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